Announcement ๐ข
Due to the internal process issue, we will announce the next step at the second week of January 2022.
Thank you so much for all your interest in our WIB Mentorship Programme this year!
Wish you have a wonderful festive season!
The Forth BCCT Women in Business (WIB) Mentoring Programme 2021-2022 is open for Application. In 2018 we ran our first Women in Business Mentoring programme and the response was fantastic. 15 Mentors and Mentees paired for 6 months of working together and the results were better than we could have ever imagined. In 2019, the programme was even bigger, 33 pairs of Mentors and Mentees joined. The programme from 2020-2021, it expended to 90 Mentors and Mentees joined from Taiwan and even from aboard and they had an amazing journey.
For the Forth WIB Mentorship Programme, for keep the quality of the BCCT mentorship programme, we only plan to have around 30 pairs of Mentors & Mentees, so sign up fast!
Check the programme results: 2020-2021 Report, 2019-2020 Report and 2018 Report.
For your opportunity to be either a Mentor or Mentee just fill out the simple online application form and we will contact you very soon for the next steps.
*This is open to both Members and Non-members of the BCCT.
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