Non-Member Price Talent Development Workshop entry for those who are not BCCT members.
Standard Price Price: TW$ 700.- Buy Ticket BCCTaipei Member Price Price for entry to Talent Development Workshop for BCCTaipei members Only
Standard Price Price: TW$ 500.- Buy Ticket *Note: Due to COVID 19, we will need all guests to fill in the Travel and Health Declaration online during registration. This is for all the participant's health safety and follows the Local Taiwan regulations. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
由於今年新冠狀疫情影響,BCCTaipei 將遵守政府要求落實實名制,每位參與人員與賓客都需要在我們網站上填寫報名表與健康聲明書,進而保障大家健康安全,謝謝大家的諒解!
Welcome to Glue Up. We are upgrading our password strength service in order to align with ISO27001 standards. Please take a moment to upgrade your password. Password must be a minimum of 8 characters and contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, and one special character(!"#$%&'()*+,-./\:;?@[]^_`{|}~=) .
Cancel Submit Your password has expired. Change your password to continue. Password must be a minimum of 8 characters and contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, and one special character(!"#$%&'()*+,-./\:;?@[]^_`{|}~=) .
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