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2021年01月24日(06:00 - 13:00)GMT+8




Taipei, 中国台湾


【Notice of Cancellation - Standard Chartered Bank Marathon 2021】

By now you may have heard that the 2021 Standard Chartered Marathon planned for this Sunday has been cancelled. The BCCT Running Team had nearly 120 runners covering over 1000 km to raise money for charity. We understand that Standard Chartered Bank did not make this decision lightly and we support them in the decision they have had to make.

Your BCCT has already paid all costs associated with the Marathon on your behalf. Standard Chartered Bank will be sharing with us over the next few days about how refunds may work.

Many of you have already made - or promised - donations that will be given to our charities. We would like to give you three options regards these very generous donations:

  1. If you would like the money refunded we of course understand and will refund in full.
  2. If you have already donated and would like the money to go to the charities that we support each year (you can see our chosen charities here: http://www.bcctaipei.com/rb2/)
  3. If you promised to donate and still want to donate to our charities let us know.

Let us know what you want to do so we can make arrangements. Any questions or to start the process please eva.sun@bcctaipei.com

For those that have donated or promised already if we don't hear from you by Sunday (original race time), we will assume that you still want to donate for charity.

We want to say once again how grateful we are to our supporters SHL Medical , The Executive Centre , and Runivore 跑食族 .

And also to you, the runners, for participating. Keep training, keep fit, and we will definitely do it again next year. And stay tuned for training runs, events, and other offerings exclusively for our Running Team.

Please join us on the BCCT Running Group: https://www.strava.com/clubs/bcct-runners-585376

【取消公告 - 2021渣打臺北公益馬拉松】

鑑於嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(Covid-19)近期快速升溫,為因應中央流行疫情指揮中心公告與為了所有參加者的健康著想,渣打銀行(主辦單位)決定配合防疫,在昨日傍晚已宣布取消原訂本周(1月24日)舉辦之2021 渣打馬拉松。





  1. 如果您希望退款,我們當然會理解,並會全額退款。
  2. 如果您已經捐款且希望將此款項捐助給我們每年支持的慈善機構(查看我們選擇的慈善機構:http://www.bcctaipei.com/rb2/
  3. 如果您已承諾捐贈,雖路跑活動取消,但您仍然想捐贈給我們的慈善機構,請告訴我們。


最後,我們要再次感謝此次公益路跑的好夥伴 SHL Medical、德事商務服務中心和Runivore。

此外,也相當感謝您熱情的參與此次的公益路跑! 期許您能持續的訓練、保持健康,我們肯定能在明年的渣打公益路跑再次相遇!

請您繼續關注我們路跑團隊的跑步訓練以及其他活動> BCCT Running Group: https://www.strava.com/clubs/bcct-runners-585376

About the Event

Your chance to help underprivileged Children in Taiwan towards a better life.

To go straight to the Donation Page go to DONATE or click on the Register link on the right hand side.

BCCT members, friends and family will collectively be running 100s of Kilometres together on Sunday 24th of January in the 2021 Standard Chartered Marathon. Every year the BCCT raises around NTD1,000,000 for charity and this year's runners are hoping that you will reward their training and efforts by giving to the BCCT's charity fund to support education for those less fortunate in Taiwan.

How do I support?

  • Click on Register and select a Ticket for the amount you want to give.
  • Complete the registration deciding which of the charities you wish to donate to; select an individual one or select all (the fourth option)
  • You can pay by transfer into the dedicated account.
  • If you don't select which of the four charity programmes (including Standard Chartered's own Futuremakers) you want your proceeds to contribute to we will allocate across them all.
  • You can also, if you want, indicate which of the runners you are supporting
  • Any amount you give is appreciated.
  • Some costs for the event and banking fees will be taken out of the proceeds


  • This site is for donations to the BCCT Charity fun runner's charity fundraising. There is a separate site for registering for the RUN.
  • Standard Chartered Bank are the organizers of the Marathon. The BCCT team has entered as individuals and the additional charity fundraising is run by the BCCT. The BCCT takes all financial responsibility for any fundraising done.